Lessons Learned

What up!

Oh how I have missed you! Things in my work life has finally calmed down! Just to catch everyone up to speed, I do work in property management and part of the game is your property could go up for sale. Which is exactly what happened to me last year. We went on the market in August-17 and the sale finally went through Feb-18.

I learned so much about myself through this sale, and others. I decided that since we were going up for sale that I wanted to be promoted to a new position within the company I currently work for. I came in early and stayed late. I didn’t mind, I wanted to make sure that I had the time to really learn and understand the new things I was learning. After doing that for maybe 3 weeks to a month I finally convinced my manager to start really cross training me.

One thing I got really good at is time management. I literally sat with a calendar and a notebook and decide what to do each day.  I prefer paper calendars and lists. I like feeling of crossing things off. So for example, in the morning I would take care of all of my current role responsibilities. I was a Leasing Manager at the time, so I had to make sure all of the leasing team was up to speed, then me and then if I had the time I could do the cross training.  Even in my new role as an Assistant Manager I do this. I feel like I have more time in my day to really focus, meet certain deadlines and not miss anything.

“Friends” want to see you do good, but not better than them.  Now I have always heard this, but I never thought that I would lose a good friend because of it. I decided to be very intentional about learning a new role, the person in the current role got uncomfortable. This is why comparing yourself to others is a toxic way to view your life. I was minding my own business, and she thought something completely different which ruined our friendship.

I learned so much about managing other people. Not everyone works like you. We all have different strengths and talents. I found figuring out everyone strength and weaknesses was the hardest part. Keeping my sanity was even harder (LOL).

Through it all, with demanding owners, irate (and rightfully so) residents, great bosses and colleges I was sad to see this property go. I grew so much in the year and a half I worked there, but I am also excited to be in the next chapter in my career. I am also happy to have my work/life balance back!




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